Access Keys:

Matt Talbot Nursery School, Belfast
ONLINE APPLICATIONS 10th - 24th January 2025, online applications are available on the EA Website. If you need any help with the application process, or would like to visit the school please contact us on 02890321997.
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Vision and Values

Our vision in Matt Talbot Nursery School is to create a happy, safe community where everyone is valued, respected and inspired to grow and learn at their own pace.

Have a look at our values below. :) 

M- Making memories in our nurturing and friendly environment. 

A- Aspire to be the best you can be.

T- Thrive within a happy, inclusive and supportive space. 

T- Trust enables the development of positive, safe learning environments.

T- Together as a respectful community including children, staff and parents. 

A- Achieve through curiousity, creativity, encouragement and motivation. 

L- Learning through playing and exploring, active learning, and creative and critical thinking.

B- Believe in the best by every child. 

O- Open door policy being an effective way of supporting all our children and parents. 

T- Teaching and learning of high quality to provide secure foundations for little learners.