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Matt Talbot Nursery School, Belfast
ONLINE APPLICATIONS 10th - 24th January 2025, online applications are available on the EA Website. If you need any help with the application process, or would like to visit the school please contact us on 02890321997.
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About Us


The staff of Matt Talbot Nursery School are pleased to announce that during the recent inspection of the school by the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) on Tuesday 28th May 2013 the school received the top award of outstanding in the three areas inspected:  Provision for learning, Achievements and Standards, Leadership and Management leading to an overall grade of outstanding.  The quality of pastoral care was also found to be outstanding.  A key strength within the nursery is the excellent quality of skillful staff interactions with the children in order to enrich and enhance their learning experiences.  ETI commented on the staff’s high expectations of the children balanced with a sense of fun, the quality of children’s achievements as well as their independence, motivation and engagement in their learning.  The staff, governors and parents are extremely proud of the children and Matt Talbot Nursery School.