Mission, Vision and Values
Our mission in Matt Talbot Nursery School is to create a happy, safe community where everyone is valued, respected and inspired to grow and learn at their own pace.
We are currently working on our vision and values together as a staff alongside the board of governors and our parents. This will be updated in due course :).
M- Making memories in our nurturing and friendly environment.
A- Aspire to be the best you can be.
T- Thrive within a happy, inclusive and supportive space.
T- Trust enables the development of positive, safe learning environments.
T- Together as a respectful community including children, staff and parents.
A- Achieve through curiousity, creativity, encouragement and motivation.
L- Learning through playing and exploring, active learning, and creative and critical thinking.
B- Believe in the best by every child.
O- Open door policy being an effective way of supporting all our children and parents.
T- Teaching and learning of high quality to provide secure foundations for little learners.
Matt Talbot Nursery School, 1a New Barnsley Green Belfast BT12 7HS | Phone: 028 9032 1997